
  • March 2022: Our (US based) team has been granted a NASA grant on "Estimating Spatiotemporal Meridional Overturning Circulation Variability from Satellite Observations using Machine Learning", following our paper on this subject.
  • June 2023: We went on a 36 hour research cruise, hunting for and investigating a shelf break submesoscale eddy
  • July 2023: Recieved the "Deep Sea Research grant" from the Mediterranean Sea Research Center of Israel (MERCI).
  • Janurary 2024: Submitted for publication our new manuscript "Retrieval of Surface Waves Spectrum from UAV Nadir Video". 
  • February 2024: Research cruise at lake Kinneret, studying outflow stream mixing.
  • April 2024: presented an invited lecture in the Geological Survey of Israel, on "Coastal Outflow Plume Measurement using UAVs".
  • May 2024: presented an invited lecture in the Symposium on Nearshore sediment dynamics at the Geological Survey of Israel, on "Coastal Circulation: Open Questions".
  • May 2024: Presented an invited lecture in the NOAA coastal ocean modeling webinar series, on "Basin Scale to Submesoscale Variability of the East-Mediterranean Sea Upper Circulation".
  • June 2024: Our multi-national team has received a research grant on “Arava Stream salt transport and mixing”, in which we will leverage  and refine UAV-based measurement techniques (example). More to follow.

RESEARCH STUDENTS(MSc/PhD)/POSTDOCS WANTED for a variety of research projects. Modeling projects include open questions on the Global Overturning Circulation, the Mediterranean Sea large-scale circulation, vortex dynamics, and internal waves. Observational projects include various aspects of density currents and submesoscale fronts and eddies, including their processes of dissipation, cross-scale fluxes, and modulation of air-sea interaction by submesoscale fronts. Please contact me at if interested.