
  • March 2022: Our (US based) team has been granted a NASA grant on "Estimating Spatiotemporal Meridional Overturning Circulation Variability from Satellite Observations using Machine Learning", following our paper on this subject.
  • June 2023: We went on a 36 hour research cruise, hunting for and investigating a shelf-break submesoscale eddy. Preliminary results here.
  • July 2023: Recieved the "Deep Sea Research grant" from the Mediterranean Sea Research Center of Israel (MERCI).
  • February 2024: Research cruise at lake Kinneret, studying outflow stream mixing.
  • April 2024: presented an invited lecture in the Geological Survey of Israel, on "Coastal Outflow Plume Measurement using UAVs".
  • May 2024: presented an invited lecture in the Symposium on Nearshore sediment dynamics at the Geological Survey of Israel, on "Coastal Circulation: Open Questions".
  • May 2024: Presented an invited lecture in the NOAA coastal ocean modeling webinar series, on "Basin Scale to Submesoscale Variability of the East-Mediterranean Sea Upper Circulation".
  • June 2024: Our multi-national team has received a research grant on “Arava Stream salt transport and mixing”, in which we will leverage  and refine UAV-based measurement techniques (example). More to follow.
  • September 2024: Our 2nd research cruise at lake Kinneret, studying outflow stream mixing.
  • December 2024: Liron Michaeli presented his research on specrtral analysis of near-inertial wave dynamics within a submesoscale vortex in the IAAS 2024 conference in Eilat.
  • December 2024: Field test of our seabed turbulence measuring system at a Dead Sea tributary.
  • January 2025: Our work on surface waves spectrum measurement via UAV video has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. The paper summarizes the methodology we develpoed and its validation. We have recently applied this technique for studying the swarming and motions of jelllyfish.


RESEARCH STUDENTS(MSc/PhD)/POSTDOCS WANTED for a variety of research projects. Modeling projects include open questions on the Global Overturning Circulation, the Mediterranean Sea large-scale circulation, vortex dynamics, and internal waves. Observational projects include various aspects of density currents and submesoscale fronts and eddies, including their processes of dissipation, cross-scale fluxes, and modulation of air-sea interaction by submesoscale fronts. Please contact me at if interested.