
Aviv Solodoch, principal investigator

I am a Physical Oceanographer and principal investigator of the POMS lab at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Earth Sciences, which I joined in 2023. Previously, I have been a researcher at Tel Aviv University, and a postdoctoral researcher at UCLA. My PhD and Postdoc experience at UCLA involved the Global Overturning Circulation, as well as boundary currents separation, vortex dynamics, and wind-forced ocean currents. During my PhD I have also conducted sea going research on density currents and submesoscale fronts with the UCLA Marine Operations group, activities which we continue in POMS. Before that, I obtained a MSc in Physics from the Weizmann Institute of Science, conducting research on intraseasonal oscillations in the tropical atmosphere. My BSc was in Physics and Math, from Tel Aviv University. In between my MSc and PhD I worked in Electro-Optics R&D.

My current research areas include the Global Overturning Circulation (MOC); Mesoscale and submesoscale vortex dynamics, and their effects on air-sea interaction; Surface boundary layer physics; and continental margin frontal/small-scale circulation. My research tools of choice include both realistic and idealized numerical modeling and analysis, as well as conducting observations. In the latter, i.e., observations, I focus on submesoscale processes and on density currents. 


Liron Michaeli, lab manager/technician

Liron (Marine Science BSc) has been in POMS since its establishment and is instrumental in design and execution of all observational activities we are engaged in.


Xingyu Lee, PhD student

Xingyu is a PhD student, studying physical-biogeochemical interactions in marine sleeks and in the surface micro-layer. He is co-adivised with Yoav Lehahn (U. of Haifa) and Eyal Rahav (Israel Ocean and Limnological Research, aka IOLR).


Jean-Pierre Obeid, MSc student

Jean Pierre is starting his MSc studies and research on oil slick and ocean surface microlayer characterization using optical methods. He is co-adivised with Yoav Lehahn (U. of Haifa), Atef Shalabney (Braude College of Engineering).


Etai Warszawer, MSc student

Etai is starting his MSc studies and research on interaction of stream flow, turbulence, and bottom sediment suspension and transport. Etai will be co-advised by Nadav Lenski (Geological Survery of Israel), and will work in the Dead Sea coastal region and the streams leading to it.


Jonathan Miller, undergraduate researcher

Jonathan is a 3rd year undergrad student at HUJI, in the physics and earth sciences program. His research involves application and improvement of the technique of surface current velocity measurement by UAV video analysis.


Omri Baum, UAV pilot extraordinaire

Omri, a computer and electronics engineering student, is an accomplished UAV pilot, and manages all aspects of UAV use in POMS.


RESEARCH STUDENTS(MSc/PhD)/POSTDOCS WANTED for a variety of research projects. Modeling projects include open questions on the Global Overturning Circulation, the Mediterranean Sea large-scale circulation, vortex dynamics, and internal waves. Observational projects include various aspects of density currents and submesoscale fronts and eddies, including their processes of dissipation, cross-scale fluxes, and modulation of air-sea interaction by submesoscale fronts. Please contact me at if interested.